As you are aware our school received a Section 48 SIAMS Inspection on Thursday 18th May 2017. We are delighted to now share the findings of the inspection with you. The principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school, and how well the distinctive Christian character and ethos of the school ensure the development and achievement of the whole child or young person. This is evaluated through three core questions:
We have been judged as “Outstanding” in all areas as the following excerpts from the report confirm:
“The Christian character and caring ethos of the school result from a clear focus on distinctively Christian values and are demonstrated through exemplary relationships.”
“Collective worship supports this distinctiveness through a strong values-based programme and through opportunities given to children to participate and engage.”
“School leaders provide a rich and nurturing environment based on Christian values. This is enabling all children to thrive personally, with the large majority making excellent progress academically and the more vulnerable being very well supported through targeted intervention strategies.”
Please click here to view the full National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools Report.